A More Powerful Viper In The Works?

Published on August 20, 2014 in News by Frédérick Boucher-Gaulin
SRT Viper

There is nothing better than a little friendly competition between engineers from the same brand. While certain manufacturers actually try to limit some of their cars' potential to make sure they don’t end up faster than their halo car (Chevrolet is a good example of this. Throughout the ages, lots of their vehicles were limited in their engine choices or detuned so that they couldn't out-pace the Corvette), this practice is not endorsed by everyone. Chrysler usually lets their engineers be as wild as they want. If they want to build a 707 horsepower supercharged V8 and shoehorn it into a Challenger, they let them do it! The Viper boys will just have to work harder to catch up!

According to Allpar (a website specialized in Mopar insider’s news), that’s exactly what they are doing. Recent rumours tell us that the Conner Avenue Assembly Plant just took delivery of two supercharged V10 engines. If this turns out to be true, the Viper could easily outrun the Hellcat Mopars.

Even if Chrysler could theoretically create a 1000+ horsepower engine, we expect a much more conservative 800 horses from this new car. Current transmissions are not capable of holding much more than 650 pound-feet of torque, and developing a transmission to handle the power could get expensive for Chrysler.