California Regulates The Autonomous Car

Published on December 18, 2015 in News by Frédérick Boucher-Gaulin

We know that California is a hotbed for new automotive technologies. Not only has the Golden State seen the birth of novel automotive automakers (Tesla and Fisker, among others), but it’s also home to more than a few high-tech startups (like Google) that are working on stuff we thought were science-fiction a few years ago: autonomous cars.

However, these science projects on wheels must not be dangerous for citizens. This is why the Government of California just passed a set of laws concerning the use of the autonomous vehicle; so far, all we had to rely on was the regular traffic laws and common sense (And we saw how that sometimes turned out).

Here are the four main guidelines of this new law:

It's also interesting to note that California stated that commercial autonomous vehicles (like the Freightliner Concept currently driving in Nevada) were outlawed, for now: according to legislator, the technology isn't yet advanced enough to be implemented in 20-plus-ton trucks.

What do you think of those laws? Would they work in Canada?