Spring Cleaning Your Car

Published on April 22, 2016 in Tips & Advice: Protect your car by Jean-François Savoie

Your car got you through winter, with all the wind, snow, ice, salt and sand. You may have gone into hibernation mode, but your car didn’t. And chances are you haven’t taken it in for maintenance since you had the winter tires put on. After all, it’s been too cold for that. Tune ups are for later. In the spring. Hey, that’s right around the corner!

Whatever’s happening under your car is your mechanic’s business, but the vehicle’s interior and trunk are your domain. 

Mechanic’s visual inspection 

When you have your tires changed, take the opportunity to have your car inspected. After all, it will already be raised and its calipers and other components will be in full view for the mechanic to see. 

All garages have visual inspection checklists covering various areas under your car and under the hood. 

Cabin and trunk

Even your car needs TLC. If mechanical inspections aren’t your thing, you can still pay attention to the interior, including the seats, mats and trunk. 

At the end of the day, there are four good reasons to give your vehicle a little springtime love: safety, reliability, long-term savings and environmental responsibility.