Atari Games Soon Available in Tesla Vehicles

Published on August 6, 2018 in Electric by Michel Deslauriers

Tesla’s software update 9.0 will be available in a few weeks, and aside from the usual improvements and big fixes applied to the cars, we’ll soon be able to play a few classic Atari games.

As a matter of fact, Tesla inked a deal with the video game brand to incorporate some of its games in the infotainment system of the Model S, the Model X and the Model 3. Titles like Missile Command, Tempest and Pole Position—a race-car game, of course—could even be played using the Tesla’s actual steering wheel! While the car is parked, obviously…

“Honey, I’ve got a few things to pick up, are you coming with me?”

“Nah, I’ll wait for you in the car. Take all the time you need!”

In a recent tweet, Elon Musk also invited developers to contact Tesla in order to create video games that would use the vehicles’ central screen, phone and other functionalities.

The 9.0 software update should also start integrating fully autonomous driving functions. Last but not least, a party and camping mode would draw energy from Tesla vehicles’ battery pack to juice up sound systems, coolers, lighting and other stuff for evenings amongst friends and family, or keep the cabin at a desired temperature during the night if we plan on sleeping in the vehicle. All this for 48 hours or more, according to the automaker.