The Worst Roads in 2019: Time to Vote!

Published on April 26, 2019 in Buzz by Guillaume Rivard

There are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and bad roads in Canada. Each spring during the thaw period in particular, pavement turns into ruins in a number of places across the country, filling drivers with anger and sometimes causing significant damage to their vehicles.

Once again, CAA invites people to vote for the worst roads in Quebec, Ontario and Saskatchewan. There are so many contenders with the potential to win!

“No need for a pickaxe or shovel—just pick up your mouse, phone, or tablet. Vote for the all-star road in your neighbourhood or city: Save the worst roads in just a few clicks,” the organization says.

Some 37,000 votes were cast in the four previous competitions, and as pointed out by Sophie Gagnon, Vice-President of Communications and Public Affairs at CAA-Quebec, many roads were repaired after their moment of glory in the top ten worst roads.

If you have a potential winner in mind, just go to the website and make your vote count, ideally with a picture to back up your nominee. You can actually vote multiple times a day for different roads, but only one time for each.

The auditions end on May 24 and the list of the top 10 worst roads in 2019 will be revealed before the start of summer.