Someone Made a Tesla Pickup Even Before Tesla Did

Published on June 18, 2019 in Buzz by Guillaume Rivard

By now you’re probably aware that Tesla has big plans for an electric pickup. The problem is that we just don’t know when it will be ready to hit the market.

Well, some fans are tired of waiting and at least one of them took matters into their own hands.

Simone Giertz, who has previously drawn the attention of TV personalities like Ellen DeGeneres with her awesome new inventions, today posted the following video as a humorous trailer for the homemade Tesla pickup she and her team are currently working on.

Called “Truckla,” the vehicle is a converted Tesla Model 3 sedan with the rear section chopped off to incorporate a cargo bed. It also has a pretty cool tagline: “the truck the world didn’t know it was waiting for.”

Giertz is asking for help to finish the project. Her to-do list includes waterproofing, putting in a bedliner, completing the body work and adding paint.

“If the thing you want doesn’t exist yet, you step up and make your own,” the video says. Amen to that!