Are Fuel Consumption Ratings Good Indicators?

Published on November 2, 2021 in Pre-owned vehicles by The Car Guide

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Used or new, small or big, every vehicle on Canadian roads has been validated by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) before making its way to the market. Why, do you ask? Simply because each model has to be attributed official city and highway fuel consumption ratings.

Many consumers use these ratings as a means to compare models and steer their purchase decision in one direction or another, but some are left disappointed when trying to actually achieve those numbers in real-life situations. Are those ratings realistic? Should we adapt our driving to try and meet them?

Before going any further, we must note that automakers are responsible to perform the required tests that provide the ratings. Naturally, NRCan oversees protocol and standards associated with the tests. The entity is there to ensure nobody tweaks the numbers to their advantage.

The other important thing to know, especially if you’re shopping for a used car, is that test norms have been updated in 2015 to better reflect the reality of motorists. The assessment includes 5 cycles :

  1. Driving in cold conditions
  2. Driving in hot conditions with air conditioning systems on
  3. Driving at high speeds with swift accelerations
  4. Driving in the city with frequent stop-and-go
  5. Driving on the highway and rural roads

If you’re considering a 2014 model or older, the consumption ratings it boasts might be less representative than real-life day-to-day fuel consumption. Those ratings are best used as a comparative tool instead of an actual metric.

Naturally, road, weather, and traffic conditions will greatly differ from one location in the country to another, which can partially explain important disparities observed between announced and observed fuel consumption. Moral of the story: if your 2016 Toyota RAV4 uses 2.0 L/100 km more than what official ratings stipulate, keep in mind that it’s also probably the case with other compact SUVs from the same period.